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德国文化(英文讲解)-Making phone calls

时间:2010-01-15来源:互联网 字体:[ | | ]  进入德语论坛
(单词翻译:双击或拖选) 标签: 讲解 英文 文化 the to phone

Making phone calls in another language can be a daunting task, but a few practical tips and simple phrases will certainly help make the job easier.


When answering the telephone, you should say your last name first by way of introduction, for example simply 'Smith', or Smith am Apparat, Smith on the phone. In turn when you need to speak to a specific person, the polite form is to say Ich möchte bitte Herrn Smith sprechen, I would like to speak with Mr Smith, please.


Signing off is straightforward - the phrase auf Wiederhören, I'll hear from you later, often shortened to Wiederhören, can be used. If you're talking to friends, you can use the more familiar Tschüss, generally used to mean Bye.


When using phones make sure you include die Vorwahlnummer, the area code, with the number. If there's no connection from the number, some recorded messages will state this clearly - Kein Anschluss unter dieser Nummer, No connection at this number.


If you need help or advice connecting to any number then die Telefonauskunft, directory inquiries, can help under the phone number 1188.


Das Handy, the mobile phone, has caught on in Germany as much as everywhere else, however hasn't yet replaced the need for die Telefonzelle, the public phone box. Traditionally phone boxes were yellow but newer ones now sport a lavender stripe. Most phone boxes take the European 'Smart' phone card, and some even take credit cards.
