2023-10-08 标签: das Angebot (-e) offerausziehen (sep.) to move outbaldig quick; earlybequem c...
2023-10-08 标签: The abbreviations used in accommodation advertisements are often as confusing...
2023-10-08 标签: Deciphering advertisementsGerman accommodation advertisements do not refer to...
2023-10-08 标签: Halls of residence (der Studentenwohnheim)All students in Germany soon become...
2023-10-08 标签: Inside and outsideGerman houses and flats show a number of differences from E...
2023-10-08 标签: die Ausstattung furnishingsder Backofen (pl. -fen) ovendas Bad (pl. - Bder) b...
2023-10-08 标签: die Elektroheizung electric heatingdie Etagenheizung heating system for one f...
2023-10-08 标签: der Abstellraum (pl. -rume) storeroomdas Arbeitszimmer (-) studydas Bad (pl. ...
2023-10-08 标签: ich freue mich auf eine schnelle Nachricht von euchI look forward to hearing ...
2023-10-08 标签: auf Zeit for a fixed periodbei 2 Personen if there are two peopledie Betriebs...
2023-10-08 标签: The German flag Vocabulary 1: Types of housingder Altbau (pl. - Altbauten) ol...
2023-10-08 标签: Note the German prepositions used to the following key phrases:Grammar 26: Pr...
2023-10-08 标签: The meaning of the verb sich freuen depends upon the preposition with which i...
2023-10-08 标签: zu + infinitiveIn a number of the accommodation advertisements in this chapte...
2023-10-08 标签: Adverbial superlatives ending in -stensIn the accommodation advertisements in...
2023-07-27 标签: Adjectives that end in -el drop this final -e when they inflect i.e. whe...
2023-07-27 标签: Adjectives formed from the names of cities and towns do not add adjectival en...
2023-07-27 标签: Adjectives formed from towns and citiesAdjectives expressing the names of Ger...
2023-07-27 标签: Both sich setzen and sich melden are reflexive verbs where the reflexive...
2023-07-27 标签: Prepositions taking the genitive caseIn Chapter 7, we examined how to form th...
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