2023-04-25 标签: Note the following different question constructions involving wie...? that we...
2023-04-25 标签: Although the question phrase was fr...? (= what kind of...?) is comprised of ...
2023-04-25 标签: It is possible in English (although not always strictly grammatically correct...
2023-04-25 标签: This is particularly the case with masculine nouns ending in -and, -ant, -ent...
2023-04-25 标签: Other weak masculine nouns ending in -e that we have encountered so far or ar...
2023-04-25 标签:
2023-04-25 标签: As the name suggests, this a group of masculine nouns which predominantly den...
2023-04-25 标签: This is how adjectival nouns decline in the strong declension i.e. after viel...
2023-04-25 标签: Mixed declensionAs we have seen on the previous page, the endings for adjecti...
2023-04-25 标签: German adjectival nouns take exactly the same endings as adjectives would in ...
2023-04-25 标签: All adjectives can be used as nouns in German. This is much more common than ...
2023-04-25 标签: As you will have noticed, the dative plural of the definite article is den, r...
2023-04-25 标签: You will already have seen the following instances in this chapter where...
2023-04-25 标签: German plural nouns add an -n when in the dative case unless:The plural of th...
2023-04-25 标签: ich htte gern ... reserviert I would like to reservedas Zweibettzimmer (-) ro...
2023-04-25 标签: Frau DbritzFremdenverkehrsbro Dresden, guten Tag.Sophie GerlandGuten Tag, mei...
2023-03-03 标签: der Prospekt (-e) brochureherzlich willkommen a very warm welcomedie Pension ...
2023-03-03 标签: Herzlich willkommen in der Pension Sonnenhof!Unsere beliebte und gastfreundli...
2023-03-03 标签: die Firma (pl. - Firmen) company; firmChemnitz This city in Saxony was called...
2023-03-03 标签: Detlef Grn rings up the Hotel Ambiente on behalf of his company to try and bo...
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