Here is a list of words and phrases connected with general hobbies and leisure activities. Note again that there are two ways of saying what your favourite hobby is. You can either:
use "am liebsten" followed by the verb OR
say "mein Lieblingshobby ist" followed by a verbal noun or the noun describing the activity
the translation of "my favourite leisure activity" shows you just how long German compound nouns came be - "meine Lieblingsfreizeitsbeschäftigung"!
The German flag Vocabulary 16: Leisure - Verbs
Sein Lieblingshobby ist Angeln
Am liebsten angelt er
His favourite hobby is fishing.
Mein Lieblingssport ist Eishockey
Am liebsten spiele ich Eishockey
My favourite sport is ice hockey.
was machen Sie gern in Ihrer Freizeit?
what do you like doing in your spare time?
Haben Sie Hobbys?
Do you have any hobbies?
Am Abend liest Kai gern
Kai likes reading in the evening
Ich spiele gern Fußball, Karten usw.
I like playing football, cards etc.
sich interessieren für (+ Accusative)
to be interested in (see Chapter 10.8)
wir interessieren uns für Musik
we're interested in music
er interessiert sich für Lesen
he's interested in reading
wofür interessierst du dich?
wofür interessieren Sie sich?
what are you interested in?