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德国文化(英文讲解)-Traditional meals

时间:2010-01-15来源:互联网 字体:[ | | ]  进入德语论坛
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Regional specialities feature strongly in traditional meals, whether it's Bavaria's Spanferkel, suckling pig, Stuttgart's Maultaschen, ravioli stuffed with meat, or Frankfurter Grüne Soße, Frankfurt green sauce made from nine fresh herbs. German meals tend to be quite hearty and meat-based, though today there are many international influences in German cooking.


Bratwurst and other cooked sausages can be found in der Schnellimbiss, takeaway food stalls, everywhere and can be eaten as either quick snacks or main meals. Portions are always large and come either served with das Brötchen, bread rolls, der Kartoffelsalat, potato salad, or with Pommes frites, chips.


Das Sauerkraut is another particular favourite that you'll find predominantly in the south. It's made from pickled cabbage and is served as a side dish with meat like das Eisbein, pork leg, or die Rippchen, ribs. This is not to be confused with der Sauerbraten, another traditional dish that is made by marinating a joint of roast beef in a sweet and sour marinade for two days.


As Hamburg is a port city, its specialities are more connected with the sea. Some of its popular dishes include die Hamburger Aalsuppe, lobster, eel and crayfish soup, and der Labskaus, hotpot, made with fried eggs, salt-pickled herring filets, and fish in a green sauce.


These heavier dishes are usually enjoyed as the main meal of the day, das Mittagessen, lunch. For das Abendbrot, supper or literally 'evening bread', people prefer a lighter snack of cold meats and cheeses, eaten at about seven in the evening.
