der Bahnhof---The station
der Hauptbahnhof---The central station
das Reisezentrum---The travel centre
die Abfahrtstafel---The departure board
einmal---"One ticket". It literally means "once".
nach Kassel---The preposition "nach" always takes the dative case. You should use it when you are travelling to a town or country - provided that the country is neuter.
einfach...---This means "single" as in a "single ticket". As we have seen earlier, the literal meaning of the word is "simple".
...oder hin und zurück? "...or return?" Literally: "there and back".
die Klasse---class
erster oder zweiter Klasse---This means "first or second class". Note the endings on the ordinal numbers.
die BahnCard---A BahnCard from the German railway company Deutsche Bahn entitles you to substantial reductions on the entire German rail network and on most regional buses for the duration of one year.
die Fahrkarte---The ticket
ohne---This preposition meaning "without" always takes the accusative case.
halb zehn---This means "half-past nine" and not "half-past ten". See Chapter 8.
fahren---This means "to go", when you are not travelling by foot. It is an irregular verb.
der Zug---train
Fährt der Zug pünktlich?---Is the train on time?
selbstverständlich---of course
das Gleis---This means "platform" when you are asking from which platform a train departs. In fact, "das Gleis" literally means the railway track itself.
von welchem Gleis? from which platform?
der ICE-Zug---An "ICE train". "ICE" stands for InterCity Express.
der RegionalExpress---A "regional express train". This is a stopping train, but it is faster than you might assume.
der Zuschlag---A "supplement". You have to pay a supplementary charge to travel on an ICE train. But as Ken's train is not an ICE, the official informs him that there is no supplement to pay.
direkt---direct; directly
der Zug fährt direkt---"This is a direct train". Literally: "This train travels directly".
ankommen---This means "to arrive". The verb "ankommen" is a separable verb, a type of verb which will be discussed in detail on Page 6 of this chapter.
Wann kommt der Zug in Kassel an?---When does the train arrive in Kassel?
um elf Uhr dreizehn---at 11:13