2010-12-04 标签: 德语语法 Singular Nominativ Akkusativ maskulin der (Tisch) den (Tisch) feminin die (Sc...
2010-12-04 标签: 德语语法 Singular Plural 1. Person ich wir 2. Person du ihr 3. Person er (maskulin) si...
2010-01-12 标签: 语法 对照 德语 the to ve Ich You form the past participle of regular verbs by removing the ending -en from...
2010-01-12 标签: 对照 语法 德语 the you to In formal settings, when you want to command or request someone to do somethi...
2010-01-08 标签: 对照 语法 德语 hundert the To make up numbers higher than 100 you simply add -hundert in front of the sm...
2010-01-08 标签: 对照 语法 德语 The the you is Adjectives are used to describe something, for example when you talk about si...
2010-01-08 标签: 对照 语法 德语 von komme Ich When you say from, you can use two words - aus or von. Aus is used with count...
2010-01-08 标签: 对照 语法 德语 the words is As in English you can refer back to something that has already been mentioned...
2010-01-08 标签: 语法 对照 德语 the of on day Here are the days of the week: Montag Monday Dienstag Tuesday Mittwoch Wednes...
2010-01-08 标签: 对照 语法 德语 the of August You can easily recognise the months in German: Januar Februar Mrz April Mai J...
2010-01-08 标签: 语法 对照 德语 to going It In German the present tense can be used to describe an action that takes plac...
2010-01-08 标签: 德语语法 There are several ways to indicate that you agree with what someone has just ...
2010-01-08 标签: 对照 语法 德语 need to you To say what you need in German, you use the verb brauchen, literally to be in...
2010-01-08 标签: 德语语法 There To say there you use da or dort - both have a similar meaning, but dort...
2010-01-08 标签: 对照 语法 德语 und zwanzi Numbers 11-99 The German numbers 11-30 follow a similar pattern to English: e...
2010-01-05 标签: 对照 语法 德语 Ich some like There are two ways to ask for something politely or to say what you want in G...
2010-01-05 标签: 对照 语法 德语 the word der Many German nouns are formed by putting two or more shorter nouns together. T...
2010-01-05 标签: 对照 语法 德语 sieben acht eins 1 zwei 2 drei 3 vier 4 fnf 5 sechs 6 sieben 7 acht 8 neun 9 zehn 10
2010-01-05 标签: 对照 语法 德语 Bitte can schn You'll hear and see the word bitte a lot in German. It can have several meani...
2010-01-05 标签: 语法 对照 德语 in an you der To ask where something is located you use wo, where: Wo wohnst du? Where do y...
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