- 6. Strong/Irregular Verb Patterns 6.2
2022-10-21 标签:
Verb Some strong verbs with a stem vowel -e- change this vowel to -ie- in the seco...
- 6. Strong/Irregular Verb Patterns 6.1
2022-10-21 标签:
Verb Verbs are called irregular or 'strong' if they are conjugated in wa...
- Verbs ending in -ern
2022-10-21 标签:
Verbs German verbs whose infinitive stem ends in -ern also form their present tense...
- 5. Verbs ending in -eln
2022-10-21 标签:
Verbs In the present tense, German verbs whose infinitive stem ends in -eln form th...
- Verbs with a stem ending in consonant + m
2022-10-21 标签:
Verbs In the present tense, German verbs whose infinitive stem ends in consonant + ...
- 4. Verbs with a stem ending in consonant + n
2022-10-21 标签:
Verbs In the present tense, German verbs whose infinitive stem ends in consonant + ...
- Verbs with a stem ending in -t
2022-10-21 标签:
Verbs In the present tense, German verbs whose infinitive stem ends in -t equally:a...
- Verbs with a stem ending in -d
2022-10-21 标签:
Verbs In the present tense, German verbs whose infinitive stem ends in -d:add -est ...
- 2.6 Imported verbs with a stem in ending in -c
2022-10-21 标签:
verbs These endings are also found in the present tense verbs with a stem in -c tha...
- 2.5 Verbs with a stem in ending in -x
2022-10-21 标签:
Verbs These include boxen (to box), faxen (to fax), fixen (to fix, to shoot up (dru...
- 2.4 Verbs with a stem in ending in -s
2022-10-21 标签:
Verbs These include brausen (to roar, to thunder), bremsen (to brake), dsen (to doz...
- 2.3 Verbs with a stem in ending in -ß
2022-10-21 标签:
Verbs These include beien (to bite), ben (to atone, to pay for), einflen (to instil...
- 2.2 Verbs with a stem in ending in -ss
2022-10-21 标签:
Verbs These include beeinflussen (to influence), erpressen (to blackmail), fassen (...
- 2.1 Verbs with a stem in ending in -z
2022-10-21 标签:
Verbs 2.1 Verbs with a stem in ending in -zThese verbs include chzen (to groan), be...
- Verbs with a stem ending in -ieren
2022-10-21 标签:
ieren German verbs whose infinitive stem ends in -ieren have the same endings as re...
- German pronouns
2022-10-21 标签:
German When learning the German pronouns, note that:The German pronoun ich does not ...
- The present tense and the infinitive
2022-10-21 标签:
infinitive The present tense of German verbs is formed from the infinitive of the verb. ...
- 关于足球德语句子
2022-06-07 标签:
足球 Beim Fuball spielen zwei Mannschaften gegeneinander.Wenn ein Spieler einen Ge...
- 关于运动的德语词汇
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运动 Sporttreiben, machengesundTrainingKrperBewegungMuskelBeweglichkeitLeistungssp...
- 关于医院的德语词汇
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医院 DeutschEnglishder Patientdie Krankenschwesterder Krankenpflegerder Raumpflege...