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12.20 Advertisement abbreviations

时间:2023-10-08来源:互联网 字体:[ | | ]  进入德语论坛
(单词翻译:双击或拖选) 标签: Advertisement
The abbreviations used in accommodation advertisements are often as confusing to Germans as they are to non-native speakers. Below is a table of the most common abbreviations:
  Vocabulary 7: Advertisement abbreviations
AB Altbau 
(old building) 
Abstand Abstand 
(money paid for renovation done by previous tenant) 
Ap. Appartement 
At. Atelier 
B. Bad 
Balk. Balkon 
BK Betriebskosten 
(service costs) 
ca. circa 
DG Dachgeschoss 
DI Diele 
3er-WG Dreier-Wohngemeinschaft 
(three-person shared flat) 
Du. Dusche 
EBK Einbauküche 
(fitted kitchen) 
EFH Einfamilienhaus 
(detached house) 
EG Erdgeschoss 
(ground floor) 
erford. erforderlich 
F Fahrstuhl 
FbH Fußbodenheizung 
(underfloor heating) 
Ga. Garten 
Gar. Garage 
gemütl. gemütlich 
gepfl. gepflegt 
(well looked after) 
gfl. gefliest 
HH Hinterhaus 
(building behind courtyard) 
Hk. Heizkosten 
(heating costs) 
Ka. Kamin 
Kab. Kabel-TV 
(cable television) 
kalt Kaltmiete 
(excluding heating costs) 
KDB Küche, Dusche, Bad 
(kitchen, shower, bath) 
kft. komfortabel 
Kl. Keller 
KM Kaltmiete 
(rent excluding heating costs) 
KN Kochnische 
Kt. Kaution 
Kü. Küche 
(square metre) 
max. maximal 
(a maximum of) 
mind. mindestens 
(at least) 
MM Monatsmiete 
(month's rent) 
Mn. Maisonette 
möbl. möbliert 
mtl. monatlich 
MVZ Mietvorauszahlung 
(rent to be paid in advance) 
NB Neubau 
(new building) 
NK Nebenkosten 
(additional costs) 
NR Nichtraucher 
od. oder 
(2.) OG. (zweites) Obergeschoss 
(second) floor 
OH Ofenheizung 
(coal oven heating) 
Öl. Ölheizung 
(oil heating) 
Pk. Parkettboden 
(parquet flooring) 
Prov. Provision 
qm. Quadratmeter 
(square metre) 
ren. renoviert 
RH Reihenhaus 
(terrace house) 
Rm. Raum 
ruh. ruhig 
SFL Seitenflügel 
(side wing of building with courtyard) 
son. sonnig 
Sou. Souterrain 
Tel. Telefon 
Tep. Teppichboden 
(wall-to-wall carpet) 
Terr. Terrasse 
TG Tiefgarage 
(underground car park) 
t-möb. teilmöbliert 
(partially furnished) 
verm. vermieten 
(to let) 
vg. verkehrsgünstig 
(close to public transport) 
VH Vorderhaus 
(building with street frontage) 
v-möb. voll möbliert 
(fulliy furnished) 
vorh. vorhanden 
(present; available) 
warm Warmmiete 
(including heating costs) 
W-B Wannenbad 
(bath tub) 
WBS Wohnberichtigungsschein 
(permit for subsidised housing) 
Wfl. Wohnfläche 
(living space) 
WG Wohngemeinschaft 
(shared flat / house) 
Whg. Wohnung 
WM Warmmiete 
(rent including heating costs) 
Wm. Waschmaschine 
(washing machine) 
ZH Zentralheizung 
(central heating) 
Zi. Zimmer 
2 Zi.-Whg. Zweizimmerwohnung 
(two-room flat) 
2 ZKDB Zwei Zimmer, Küche, Diele, Bad 
(two rooms, kitchen, hall, bathroom) 
2er-WG Zweier-Wohngemeinschaft 
(two-person shared flat) 
zzgl. zuzüglich 
