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10.2 Der Alltag: Anna Müller- Glossary

时间:2023-01-06来源:互联网 字体:[ | | ]  进入德语论坛
(单词翻译:双击或拖选) 标签: Glossary
aussehen (sep.) to look (like) 
typisch typisch
das Badezimmer (-) bathroom 
duschen to shower
danach afterwards
ganz schön wach This means "really quite awake". When "ganz schön" precedes an adjective it has an emphatic sense.
die Küche (-n) kitchen
zum Frühstück for breakfast
essen This means "to eat". It is an irregular verb.
die Grapefruit (-s) grapefruit
der Früchtetee (-s) fruit tea 
die Diät (-en) diet
eine Diät machen to go on a diet
abnehmen (sep.) This means "to lose weight". To gain weight is "zunehmen". Both verbs are separable.
wie lange...? how long...?
seit fünf Wochen Although seit literally means "since", this translates as "for five weeks".
sich bemühen to make an effort
viel Gemüse a lot of vegetables 
das Obst fruit
wenig Fleisch "Not much meat". Note that neither "viel" nor "wenig" have endings when used this way.
die Kalorie (-n) calorie
der Alkohol alcohol
alle zusammen all together
gesund healthy
wir essen gesund we eat healthily
bestehen aus (+ Dat.) This means "to consist of". The verb "bestehen" is inseparable.
die Suppe (-n) soup
die Lieblingssuppe (-n) This means "favourite soup". You can add "Lieblings-" to the front of any noun to create this effect.
die Gulaschsuppe (-n) goulash soup 
der Quark soft curd cheese
räumen to clear
abwaschen to do the washing up. As "waschen" is an irregular verb, so too is "abwaschen".
die Freizeit free time; spare time
nichts Besonderes nothing much; nothing in particular
faulenzen to laze about
ein paar a few
die Fernsehsendung (-en) TV programme 
sich etwas ansehen This means "to watch something". The programme that is being watched is in the accusative case whilst the reflexive pronoun referring back to the person doing the action is in the dative case. The verb "ansehen" is both separable and reflexive.
das Fernsehen This means "television" as in "the medium of television", as opposed to a "TV set", which is translated by "der Fernseher".
die Seifenoper (-n) soap opera
die Talkshow (-s) talk show
die Quizsendung (-en) quiz programme
die Nachrichten (plural) This means "the news". The singular of this noun - die Nachricht (-en) - means "a piece of news".
das Hobby (-s) hobby
sich interessieren für (+ Acc.) This reflexive verb means "to be interested in". The reflexive pronoun referring back to the person doing the action is in the accusative case.
reisen to travel
ich interessiere mich für Reisen "I'm interested in travelling". If the thing in which you are interested is a verb, you use the infinitive form of the verb starting with a capital letter.
der Sommer summer
im Sommer in summer
sich langweilen to be bored
ich langweile mich zu Tode I'm bored to death
der Winter winter
im Winter in winter
der Berg (-e) mountains
der Schnee snow
Ski laufen to ski
der Frühling spring
im Frühling in spring
der Herbst autumn
im Herbst in autumn
herrlich wonderful
segeln to sail
spazieren gehen to go for a walk
wandern to ramble; to hike
der Wald (pl. - Wälder) wood, forest
fotografieren to take photos
ich ... leidenschaftlich gern "I'm mad about..." The word "leidenschaftlich" on its own means "passionately".
der Fotoapparat (-e) camera
dabei with me/you etc. 
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