2023-01-16 标签: Notes on nouns1. To specify which type of shower you are experiencing, form a...
2023-01-16 标签:
2023-01-16 标签: das Wetter (-) weatherwie ist das Wetter? what's the weather like?hei ho...
2023-01-16 标签: Sophie GerlandWie ist das Wetter hier in Berlin?Barbara ZachariasIm Sommer is...
2023-01-06 标签: aufwachen (sep.) This is a separable verb meaning to wake up.die Hand (pl. - ...
2023-01-06 标签: Claudia StenzelWann wachst du auf?Lars WeberIch wache um sieben Uhr auf. Ich ...
2023-01-06 标签: normal normalsich waschen This reflexive verb means to have a wash. It is als...
2023-01-06 标签: Claudia StenzelHerr Hoffmann, was machen Sie an einem normalen Tag?Jens Hoffm...
2023-01-06 标签: aussehen (sep.) to look (like)typisch typischdas Badezimmer (-) bathroomdusch...
2023-01-06 标签: Claudia StenzelWie sieht Ihr typischer Tag aus?Anna MllerIch stehe gegen sech...
2023-01-06 标签: das Leben (-) lifeder Alltag everyday lifewie ist Ihr Alltag? what's you...
2023-01-06 标签: Claudia StenzelWie ist Ihr Alltag?Mareike HerdaIch stehe um halb sieben Uhr a...
2023-01-06 标签: Vocabulary 1: Das KaufhausEnglish Germanbabyweardie Babyartikel (pl.)basement...
2023-01-06 标签: The demonstrative dieser refers to something near at hand. It corresponds to ...
2023-01-06 标签: In addition to the verb declinations already covered in this chapter, we have...
2023-01-06 标签: In this chapter we have met some conditional usages of the verb sein. Sentenc...
2023-01-06 标签: The conditional subjunctive mood is used to express what might happen if some...
2023-01-06 标签: The comparativeThe comparative is formed in English by adding -er to an adjec...
2023-01-06 标签: The irregular verb mgen is the only one of the modal verbs which does not hav...
2023-01-06 标签: We have already learned that some prepositions in German are always followed ...
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