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10.18 Prepositions with motion and place-3

时间:2023-02-03来源:互联网 字体:[ | | ]  进入德语论坛
(单词翻译:双击或拖选) 标签: Prepositions
Prepositions with "das Haus"
"Das Haus" is literally the German word for a house. Even though a large number of Germans live in a flat (= "die Wohnung"), "das Haus" is nevertheless used to translate "home".
Grammar 30: Das Haus
Ich gehe nach Hause.
("I go home.")
Ich bin zu Hause.
("I am at home.")
Ich gehe aus dem Haus.
Ich verlasse das Haus.
("I leave home.")
In older German, some masculine and neuter nouns, particularly those of one syllable, added "-e" in the dative singular. This is now extremely uncommon in modern German. The practice persists however with certain set phrases involving "das Haus" - the phrases "nach Hause" kommen and "zu Hause sein" always add the additional "-e".
It is rare however to find the "-e" in the expression "aus dem Haus gehen". You must of course never add it in the expression "ich verlasse das Haus", as the noun is here in the accusative case.
Prepositions used with meals
Note the different prepositional constructions used to translate the different meals of the day:
Grammar 31: Prepositions and meals
Zum Frühstück esse ich Müesli.
("I have muesli for breakfast.")
Zu Mittag esse ich eine Pizza.
("I have a pizza for lunch.")
Zum Abendbrot esse ich Fisch.
("I have fish for tea.")
The German word for "lunch" is "das Mittagessen", but the phrase for "to have lunch" is "zu Mittag essen". You would use the construction "zum Mittagessen" when you are describing what there is for lunch - i.e. "Zum Mittagessen gibt es eine Pizza" ("There is pizza for lunch"). 
