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10.17 Adverbs: The Superlative-2

时间:2023-02-03来源:互联网 字体:[ | | ]  进入德语论坛
(单词翻译:双击或拖选) 标签: Adverbs
The superlative of "gern" when used with other verbs
You will recall that we can use the adverb "gern(e)" with other verbs to describe things that you like doing. By extension therefore, you use "am liebsten" - the superlative of "gern(e)" with verbs other than "mögen" to describe what you like doing most of all:
Grammar 25: The superlative with other verbs
Ich esse gern Käse.
("I like (to eat) cheese.")
Ich esse lieber Käse.
("I prefer (to eat) cheese.")
Ich esse am liebsten Käse.
("I like (to eat) cheese most of all.")
Welchen Wein trinken Sie am liebsten?
("Which wine do you like (drinking) most of all?")
Ich trinke am liebsten Weißwein.
("I like (to drink) white wine most of all.")
once again you could use "am allerliebsten" to add even more emphasis:
Welche Sorte trinken Sie am allerliebsten?
(What sort do you like drinking more than anthing else?)
Am allerliebsten trinken wir brasilianischen Kaffee.
(We like Brazilian coffee more than anything else.) 
