The German flag Glossary
das Geschenk (-e) present
das Geburtstagsgeschenk (-e) birthday present
der Sommer summer
im Sommer in summer
genau exact; precise
Juli July
die CD (-s) This means (unsurprisingly!) "compact disc". The full German version is only one word - "die Compactdisc".
wie wär's mit einer CD? how about a CD?
die Etage (-n) This is another word meaning "the floor (of a building)". It and "der Stock" are interchangeable.
in der zweiten Etage on the second floor
die Elektroabteilung (-en) electrical department
die Musik music
was für Musik...? what sort of music...
die Popmusik pop music
ich höre lieber... I prefer to listen to...
klassisch classical
die klassische Musik classical music
der Rock This means both "rock music" and "a skirt".
der Techno techno (music)
Juni June
was darf es sein? "How may I help?"
das Armband (pl. - Armbänder) This means "bracelet". It can also mean a "watchstrap".
die Brosche (-n) brooch
gefallen This irregular verb literally means "to please". It is however a very common way of saying that you like something. Thus "das gefällt mir" (literally: "That is pleasing to me") means "I like that".
hiervon of these things here
gefällt Ihnen hiervon etwas? do you like any of the things here?
diese It means "this one". The word for "one" is not given in German, as the endings on the word for "this" indicate the gender of the noun, and thus tell the reader which previously mentioned noun is being referred to.
besser better
ein bisschen zu teuer a little too expensive
gucken Another word for "to look"! Unlike "sehen" and "schauen", this verb is strictly conversational and should not be used in written German.
guck mal! "Look!" This is the "du" form of the imperative.
das Sonderangebot (-e) special offer
billiger This means "cheaper". To form the comparative of most adjectives, you add "-er" to the end.
die gefallen mir gut "I like them". The verb is in the third person plural because there is more than one brooch.
silbern silver
das silberne It means "the silver one". It is neuter as it refers back to "das Armband".
als Geschenk This means "as a present". The indefinite article is omitted in German.
verpacken to wrap (up)
das wäre sehr nett that would be very nice of you
die Kasse (-n) till; checkout
folgen This means "to follow". The person whom you are following is always in the dative case.
zur Kasse folgen to follow to the till
bezahlen to pay