die Puppe (-n) doll
die Abteilung (-en) department
Spielwaren (pl.) "toys". The singular word for a toy is "das Spielzeug".
die Spielwarenabteilung (-en) "The toy department". As we have seen before, German tends to make a compound noun wher English uses two or more separate words
der Stock "floor (of shop); storey". It's also the word for a "stick".
im ersten Stock "On the first floor". Note the preposition used in German here.
Sie müssen also in den ersten Stock "So you'll have to go to the first floor". The preposition "in" is used with the accusative case when it denotes motion, and in the dative case ("im ersten Stock") when it denotes position. As the preposition makes it clear that there is motion involved, the verb for "to go" is omitted here.
die Jacke jacket
da müssen Sie... for this you'll have to go...
die Dame lady
die Damenjacke (-n) A "lady's jacket". A man's jacket would be "die Herrenjacke"
die Damenbekleidung "Ladies' wear". You would translate "menswear" by "die Männerbekleidung".
bei Damenbekleidung in the ladies' wear department
Pralinen (pl.) chocolates
die Lebensmittel (pl.) This means "groceries; food". Thus "bei Lebensmitteln" means "in the food department".
das Untergeschoss basement
im Untergeschoss in the basement
oder? "right"? Normally "oder" is the conjunction meaning "or".
besondere particular; special
Süßwaren (pl.) confectionery
die Bettdecke (-n) blanket; duvet
welcher Stock ist das? which floor is that?
die Bettwäsche (-n) bedding
ganz oben right at the top
hinauf "up". The full sentence could be translated as "You'll have to go up there".
das Portmonee (-s) This is the new spelling of the German word for "purse". The old spelling of the word was "das Portemonnaie".
die Tasche (-n) "bag". Somewhat confusingly, it is also the word for "pocket".
Sie müssen also ins Untergeschoss "So you'll have to go to the basement". The word "ins" is a contraction of "in das". The accusative case again denotes motion.
der Kugelschreiber "ballpoint pen; biro"
Schreibwaren (pl.) stationery
das Erdgeschoss ground floor
im Erdgeschoss on the ground floor
ins Erdgeschoss to the ground floor
der Topf (pl. - Töpfe) pot
die Pflanze (-n) plant
die Topfpflanze (-n) potted plant
der Garten (pl. - Gärten) garden
der Gartenbedarf garden equipment
gern geschehen you're welcome; it's my pleasure