sag mal! "Tell me!" "Sag" is the imperative of the verb "sagen" (= to say).
hättest du Lust... "Would you like to..." This construction is always followed by a comma, and then a clause ending with the word "zu" and the infinitive of a second verb.
morgen früh tomorrow morning
der Einkaufsbummel (-) shopping spree
einen Einkaufsbummel machen to go on a shopping spree
warum nicht? why not?
die Bäckerei (-en) bakery
zu früh too early
das Problem (-e) problem
kein Problem! no problem
die Frühaufsteherin (-innen) This means an "early riser". The masculine version would be der Frühaufsteher.
neben This is a preposition meaning "next to". It takes the dative case when position is being described, and the accusative case when movement is being described.
die Blume (-n) flower
das Blumengeschäft (-e) flower shop
unter This is a preposition meaning "beneath" or "under". It takes the dative case when position is being described, and the accusative case when movement is being described.
das Fitness-Center (-) fitness centre
die Wohnung (-en) flat, apartment
über This is a preposition meaning "above". It also takes the dative case when position is being described, and the accusative case when movement is being described.
gegenüber This is a preposition meaning "opposite". It always takes the dative case.
die Bibliothek (-en) library
der S-Bahnhof
(pl. -Bahnhöfe) S-Bahn station
hinter This is a preposition meaning "behind". It also takes the dative case when position is being described, and the accusative case when movement is being described.
die Post post-office
zwischen This is a preposition meaning "between". It also takes the dative case when position is being described, and the accusative case when movement is being described.
das Reisebüro (-s) travel agency
die Sparkasse (-n) savings bank
alles klar? everything OK?
bis morgen until tomorrow