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9.2 Gehen wir ins Kino!-2

时间:2022-12-29来源:互联网 字体:[ | | ]  进入德语论坛
(单词翻译:双击或拖选) 标签: Kino
machen This very common verb can either mean "to make" or (as here) "to do".
unternehmen Literally: "to undertake", this inseparable verb can also be translated as "to do". 
vorschlagen (sep.) A separable verb meaning "to suggest"
das Kino (-s) cinema
ich würde sehr gerne ins Kino gehen I would really like to go to the cinema
was für...? "What sort of...". The noun which follows it will be in the accusative case.
der Film (-e) film 
sehen This irregular verb means "to see" or occasionally "to watch".
der Krimi (-s) This is a "crime film" or "thriller". You tend to hear it more often than the longer version "der Kriminalfilm".
spannend exciting
der Abenteuerfilm (-e) adventure film
so was A more conversational form of "so etwas". Both mean "things like that".
mag The third person singular from the modal verb "mögen" (see explanation on Page 10 of this chapter). 
so was mag ich auch gerne "I also like things like that". Note again that the object of the sentence can come at the start of a phrase in German.
laufen An irregular verb meaning "to run".
im Kino This means "at the cinema". Note the different preposition in German.
was läuft heute im Kino? What's on at the cinema today?
der Wievielte ist heute? What's the date today?
Dienstag Tuesday
der vierzehnte März "The fourteenth of March". There is no word for "of" in the German phrase.
im Odeon "In the Odeon (cinema)". The word for "cinema" (das Kino) is not repeated at this point in the conversation, but it is understood as being there, so the gender of Odeon must be the same as das Kino, namely neuter.
Hennen Rennen This is the literal German translation of the cartoon film Chicken Run and was used as the German title of the film because of the fortuitous rhyme! Click here for more information about the German version of this film.
anfangen This is a separable verb meaning "to begin". It is irregular. 
erst um elf not until eleven o'clock
die Vorstellung (-en) showing (of a film); performance
die Spätvorstellung (-en) late showing
was für ein Film ist das? What sort of film is that?
der Zeichentrickfilm (-e) cartoon (film) 
zu kindisch This means "too childish". Note this usage of "zu" before an adjective.
was läuft sonst noch? What's on apart from that?
Mittwoch Wednesday
stimmt's? is that right?
im Cosima "At the Cosima (cinema)". This is also neuter for the reasons outlined above.
Romeo und Julia Romeo and Juliet 
von William Shakespeare by William Shakespeare
der Regisseur (-e) director
die Liebesgeschichte (-n) love story
langweilig boring
interessieren to interest
überhaupt nicht not in the slightest; not at all
das interessiert mich überhaupt nicht That doesn't interest me at all
wie wär's mit...? what about...?
übermorgen the day after tomorrow
da kann ich nicht I can't manage that
das Wochenende (-) weekend
am Wochenende at the weekend
zu Hause at home
bleiben remain
packen to pack 
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