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德国文化(英文讲解)-Doing business

时间:2010-01-15来源:互联网 字体:[ | | ]  进入德语论坛
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Germany is the world's third largest economy, producing more than one quarter of the European Union's gross domestic product, and hosting many international trade shows. Doing business is therefore incredibly important and requires a certain protocol.


German business practice values clear frameworks, facts and proof, so be sure to go to meetings well prepared and ready to qualify your business arguments. In meetings and discussions, Germans commonly refer to der rote Faden, the red thread that runs consistently through any project. This indicates that you have a clear structure and plan to your activities and that you take your endeavours seriously. Humour doesn't feature heavily in the work environment, so avoid risky jokes to show respect to your senior colleagues. Long discussions are not appreciated either.


You should always make sure you have plenty of Visitenkarte, business cards, on hand when doing business in Germany. Business professionals use them and will expect you to do the same. Try and include as much information as possible on your business cards, particularly Qualifikationen, academic and professional qualifications.


It is very important to address your colleagues correctly and this means being careful not to use the Du pronoun too soon. Over-familiarity is not appreciated so stick with Sie until you are absolutely sure that the more familiar address is appropriate. Another important feature is die Hand geben, shaking hands. You shake hands with everyone on meeting and departure - this shows not only that you want to make a connection but also that you respect hierarchy.
