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10.5 Das Wetter-Glossary

时间:2023-01-16来源:互联网 字体:[ | | ]  进入德语论坛
(单词翻译:双击或拖选) 标签: Wetter
das Wetter (-) weather 
wie ist das Wetter? what's the weather like?
heiß hot 
trocken dry
der Winter winter
im Winter in winter
neblig foggy; misty
in der Nacht in the night
ab und zu now and then
das Glatteis (black) ice
sich etwas vorstellen We have already met the verb "vorstellen" when it takes a direct object and means "to introduce somebody". When it takes a reflexive pronoun in the dative case however it means "to imagine something".
der Frühling spring
im Frühling in spring
warm warm
stürmisch stormy 
der Herbst autumn
im Herbst in autumn
kühl cool; cold
wolkig cloudy
fast almost
die ganze Zeit the whole time
der Regen rain
schlecht bad 
mild mild
sonnig sunny
windig windy
die Wolke (-n) cloud
der Grad (-e) degree
wie viel Grad sind es? "What is the temperature?" Literally: "How many degrees is it?"
weiß ich nicht don't know
wohl probably
etwa approximately
hoffentlich hopefully 
sich etwas anhören This means "to listen to something". The thing that you are listening to is in the accusative case, wheras the reflexive pronoun referring back to the person doing the listening is in the dative case.
die Wettervorhersage (-n) weather forecast
das Radio radio
im Radio on the radio
anmachen (sep.) This means "to switch on". It is a separable verb.
bis morgen abend until tomorrow evening
der Norden the north
im Norden in the north 
der Regenschauer (-) rain shower
stark This normally means "strong", but when used in weather phrases it can also mean "heavy".
bewölkt cloudy
stark bewölkt with heavy clouds
das Gewitter (-) (thunder-)storm
der Wind (-e) wind
der Nordosten the north-east
aus Nordost This means "from the north-east". Note that the shorter form of the part of the compass without "-en" is used in this construction.
die Mitte (-n) middle; centre
in der Mitte in the middle (i.e. between North and South Germany)
bedeckt overcast
wiederholt repeatedly
der Tropfen (-) drop
schwach weak
der Osten the east
der Südosten the south-east
aus Ost bis Südost from the east to the south-east
Süddeutschland This means "South Germany". The shorter form of the part of the compass is used in the compound noun.
heiter fine; clear
trocken dry
der Niederschlag (pl. -schläge) This means "precipitation". It is used very commonly in weather forecasts but not in conversational German.
die Temperatur (-en) temperature
die Höchsttemperatur (-en) This means "highest temperature". It is often used in the plural in weather forecasts.
das Sendegebiet (-e) broadcast area (i.e. the area to which the radio station is broadcasting)
die Tiefsttemperatur (-en) This means "lowest temperature". It is often used in the plural in weather forecasts.
in der Nacht zum Montag This literally means "in the night to Monday", but equates to "Sunday night and early Monday morning".
der Gefrierpunkt This means "freezing point". You might also hear "null Grad" used to translate this.
um den Gefrierpunkt around the freezing point
Norddeutschland North Germany
leicht light
der Frost frost
minus drei Grad minus three degrees
vereinzelt isolated; occasional
der Gewitterschauer (-) thundery shower 
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