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德国摇滚歌曲:MegaMix 2002-Stripped

时间:2012-12-25来源:互联网 字体:[ | | ]  进入德语论坛
(单词翻译:双击或拖选) 标签: MegaMix
Come with me
Into the trees
We'll lay on the grass
And let the hours pass
Take my hand
Come back to the land
Let's get away
Just for one day
Let me see you stripped
Let me see you stripped
Has nothing but this
You breath in the fumes
I taste what we kiss
Take my hand
Come back to the land
Where everything's ours
For a few hours
Let me see you stripped
Let me see you stripped
Let me hear you make decisions
Without your television
Let me hear you speaking
Just for me
Let me see you stripped
Let me see you stripped
Let me hear you make make decisions
Without your television
Let me hear you speaking
Just for me
Let me see you stripped
Let me see you stripped
Let me see you stripped
Let me see you stripped

