12.15 The usage and omission of prepositions
日期:2023-10-08 10:45  点击:231
Note the German prepositions used to the following key phrases:
Grammar 26: Prepositions in key phrases
Meldet euch unter 2 14 65 39
("Call me on the number 2 14 65 39.")
Bitte meldet euch bei mir!
("Please get in contact with me!")
Nebenkosten 121 Euro bei 2 Personen.
("Additional costs: 121 euros if there are two people.")
Das Studentenwerk ist gleich um die Ecke.
("The student administration is just round the corner.")
Besichtigung nach Vereinbarung.
("Viewing by arrangement.")
Die Wohnfläche besteht aus...
("The living area consists of...")
Anfragen bitte per E-Mail.
("Enquiries please by e-mail.")
Was studierst du an der Uni?
("What are you studying at university?")
dank dem Wasserboiler
("thanks to the water boiler")
In the following time-phrases however, note how German omits both the prepositions and the articles that are present in the English version.
Grammar 27: Beginning, middle and end
Anfang Januar
("At the beginning of January")
Mitte September
("In the middle of September")
Ende Februar
("At the end of February") 


11/25 18:44