10.4 Der Alltag: Lars Weber-Glossary
日期:2023-01-06 09:57  点击:273
aufwachen (sep.) This is a separable verb meaning "to wake up". 
die Hand (pl. - Hände) hand
das Gesicht (-er) face 
putzen to clean
der Zahn (pl. - Zähne) tooth
das Hemd (-en) shirt
die Hose (-n) This means "(a pair of) trousers". It is a singular noun in German.
der Schuh (-e) shoe
tragen This is an irregular verb meaning "to wear" or "to carry".
die Socke (-n) sock
doch This means "yes" and it is used like the French "si" after someone has asked a question in the negative. 
Mutti Mummy
manchmal sometimes
hassen to hate
die Hausaufgaben (pl.) This means "homework". It is a plural noun in German.
am Abend in the evening
lernen to learn; to study
die Mathe This means "maths". It is short for die Mathematik.
Klasse! great!; cool! 
das Schwimmen This means "swimming". To form a verbal noun in German, you simply put a capital letter in front of the infinitive of a verb. All verbal nouns are neuter in gender.
der Wasserball water polo
das Skateboarden This means "skateboarding". It is another verbal noun.
draußen (insep.) outside
der Inlineskater (-) Unsurprisingly, this means "inline skater". It is another example of just how many English words are entering the German language.
(sie) fährt gern Rad She likes riding her bike.
nagelneu This means "brand new". It literally translates as "as new as a nail"!
das Mountainbike (-s) mountain bike
die Briefmarke (-n) (postage) stamp
sammeln This means "to collect". Verbs ending in "-eln" tend to dro the "-e-" of the infinitive in the first person singular - i.e. "ich sammle". 
sich ausziehen This means "to get undressed". It is both irregular and separable.
das Bad (pl. - Bäder) bath
ein Bad nehmen to have a bath
der Schlafanzug (pl. -anzüge) This means "pyjamas". It is a singular noun in German.
eigen own
das Schlafzimmer (-) bedroom 


11/30 11:49