Guten Tag! 4.4 What's a euro worth?
日期:2022-11-18 10:15  点击:269
Since January 1 1999, the euro has had an irrevocably fixed conversion rate against the national currencies participating in the Eurozone. From that date onwards, the value of one euro has been fixed at 1.95583 German marks. This has proved useful in helping German citizens to come to terms with the new currency, as one euro is thus roughly equal to two German marks. One euro is also worth:
13.7903 Austrian schillings (ATS)
40.3399 Belgian francs (BEF)
5.94573 Finnish markka (FIM)
6.55957 French francs (FRF)
340.750 Greek drachma (GRD)
0.787564 Irish pounds (IEP)
1936.27 Italian lira (ITL)
40.3399 Luxembourg francs (LUF)
2.20371 Dutch guilders (NLG)
200.482 Portuguese escudos (PTE)
166.386 Spanish pesetas (ESP)
You can use the converter below to see what the euro is worth in a range of European currencies. Click a country button to display currency name and full fixed euro exchange rate (DEM = German mark). Press Clear to empty the value boxes and enter either Euro or Local amount to convert. Click the appropriate button for conversion of "Euro" to "local amount" or of "local amount" to "Euro". Conversion will display selected currency exchange rounded to two decimal places.
There are of course no fixed exchange rates for currencies of countries which are not in the Eurozone. In June 2002, one euro was worth 0.643 British pounds (and one British pound was thus worth 1.555 euros). One euro was also worth 0.945 United States dollars. 


11/26 09:35