Guten Tag! 2.8 Table of professions
日期:2022-10-26 09:13  点击:208
Listed below are the names of the most commonly used German professions with their male and female variants.

1) As you will have noted from the above list, the suffix "-in" is often added in the feminine form - i.e. Kellner + "-in" = Kellnerin.
2) Sometimes the female equivalent modifies slightly with the addition of an "Umlaut" - i.e. Arzt + "-in" = Ärztin.
3) Occasionally the male form ends in "-in", and the female equivalent in "-e" - i.e. Bankangestellter - "-r" = Bankangestellte.
4) There are sometimes different words for male and female jobs - i.e. Geschäftsmann (male) and Geschäftsfrau.


11/26 03:55