日期:2012-02-25 09:31  点击:0
Was wirst du haben?
What are you going to have?
Woran denkst du?
What are you thinking about?
Worüber redet ihr beide?
What are you two talking about?
Was sind deine Hobbies?
What are your hobbies?
Was kann ich für Sie tun?
What can I do for you?
Welche Farbe hat das Auto?
What color is that car?
An welchem Tag kommen Sie rüber?
What day are they coming over?
Welcher Wochentag ist heute?
What day of the week is it?
Was hast du letzte Nacht gemacht?
What did you do last night?
Was hast du gestern gemacht?
What did you do yesterday?
Was hast du gedacht?
What did you think?
Was machen die Leute gewöhnlich im Sommer in Los Angeles?
What do people usually do in the summer in Los Angeles?



11/29 12:44