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时间:2015-03-12来源:互联网 字体:[ | | ]  进入德语论坛
(单词翻译:双击或拖选) 标签: Phosphor Unheilig
The legend tells a story
Of a man who challenged nature
He built his dream
But he didn't respect the rules
I will escape out of this world
I will escape out of my time
With every breath
I feel the conclusion
With every breath
I dream my dream
I spread my wings and fly away
I brave the nature and catch the wind
But I won't break the agreement with the sun
No more will I feel like a prisoner
No more memories
about the things that I have done
The time has come and I will turn my life
The time has come because the wind is right
I spread my wings and fly away
I brave the nature and catch the wind
But I won't break the agreement with the sun
I fall
And I enjoy this moment
No earth
And I can touch the clouds
I spread my wings and fly away
I brave the nature and catch the wind
But I won't break the agreement with the sun
I spread my wings...
I spread my wings and fly away 