Was bedeutet das Wort hier?
What does this word mean?
Was arbeitet Ihr Vater?
What does your father do for work?
Was ist passiert?
What happened?
Was ist es?
What is it?
Was ist das?
What is that?
Wie ist die Postleitzahl?
What is the area code?
Welches Datum haben wir heute?
What is today's date?
Welche Art von Musik magst du?
What kind of music do you like?
Zu welcher Schule bist du gegangen?
What school did you go to?
Was soll ich tragen?
What should I wear?
Welche Größe?
What size?
Wann kommen sie an?
What time are they arriving?
Wann gehst du zur Bushaltestelle?
What time are you going to the bus station?